Monday, June 23, 2014

Copyright laws obviously don't apply - Photos used without permission

You know that you must take great photos when another real estate agent uses your photos without permission.

Although my watermark is not very clear (bottom right of the photo), a simple call would have been nice.  I have granted permission in the past to other brokerages for my photos.

Of course, I could complain, but then I look like the "bad guy".  I will just appreciate the fact that I take awesome pictures.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Performances @ The Acoustic Grill


Saturday, March 12, 2011

What? Starting to snow again...

Monday, October 15, 2007

Century 21 Lanthorn's "The Family Team"

Here we are: "The Family Team"
Jason, Kevin & Sandy Young are Century 21 Lanthorn's 3 REALTORS, working for you. With a combined years of experience of 39 years, The Family Team is your best choice when looking for great service in Real Estate.
Email us or give us a call 24/7 .